

Gareth Owens, Labyrinth: Scripts and Languages of Minoan and Mycenaean Crete.
Psychogios, Kostis (editor) & Nikolidaki, Kallia (translator). Heraklion Crete: Centre for Cretan Literature, 2007. With the support of the prefecture of Heraklion. 20X29 cm. Pp.xxvi+358, ISBN 978-960-86847-5-1.

Municipality of Heraklion

A City Through the Ages / Historical Period / Knossos / Script

Municipality of Malia

History / Minoan Period / Scripts of Minoan and Mycenaean Crete

“Cretan Hieroglyphic”

I.Hadjidakis, “A Minoan sacred cave at Arkalochori in Crete“,
Annual of the British School at Athens XIX, 1912, 35-47.

S.N.Marinatos, Archaologischer Anzeiger,
1935, 252-254.

S.N.Marinatos, Jahrbuch 1937,

F.Chapouthier, “Inscription Hieroglyphique Minoeene Gravee sur un Bloc de Calcaire”,
Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 62, 1938, 104-109. CHIC #328 1996 314-315.

J.T.Hooker, The Origin of the Linear B Script,
Supl. a Minos, Num. 8, 1979, 18.

L.Godart, The Phaistos Disc-The Enigma of an Aegean Script, 1995,
translation by A.Doumas; ελληνική έκδοση, Ο Δίσκος της Φαιστού, μετάφραση Κ.Αξελός, 1995, 144-150 for the Arkalochori Axe.

CHIC, Corpus Hieroglyphicarum Inscriptionum Cretae,
Εditors, L.Godart, J.-P.Olivier et J.-C.Poursat, Etudes Cretoises 31, 1996.

G.Owens, “The Phaistos Disk : The Enigma of the Minoan Script”,
Labyrinth, 2007, 185-203.

ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟ 2010, Σύλλογος Ενεργών Πολιτών Αρκαλοχωρίου,
Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Ηρακλείου (Α.Κάντα, Δ.Κοντοπόδη και Ι.Παπαδάκη), 2009.

Minoan Linear A

Ν.Κ.Μπουφίδης, “Επιγραφές από το Αρκαλοχώρι”,
Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς 1952/53 (1954) 61-74.

L.Godart et J.-P.Olivier, Recueil des Inscriptions en Lineaire A,
GORILA 4, 1982, 142-143. (AR Zf 1 Boston Museum 58.1009 and AR Zf 2 Heraklion Museum 626).

I.Sakellarakis et J.-P.Olivier, “Une vase en Pierre avec inscription en Lineaire A du Sanctuaire de sommet Minoan de Cythere”,
Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 118, 1994, 343-351. (KY Za 2).

G.Owens, “New Evidence for Minoan ‘Demeter’”,
Kadmos 35:2, 1996, 172-175.

From the Land of the Labyrinth, Minoan Crete, 3000-1100 B.C.,
Alexander S.Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, USA, in collaboration with the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Archaeological Museums of Crete, 2008.


Liddell-Scott-Jones, Lexicon 9th Edition,
with Supplement, 1988.

P.Chantraine, Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Grecque
(new edition, 1990).

G.Owens, “New Evidence for Minoan ‘Demeter’”,
Kadmos 35:2, 1996, 172-175.

G.Owens, «The Phaistos Disk : The Enigma of the Minoan Script», Labyrinth,
2007, 185-203 and 342-343.

Gareth Owens, Labyrinth: Scripts and Languages of Minoan and Mycenaean Crete.
Psychogios, Kostis (editor) & Nikolidaki, Kallia (translator). Heraklion Crete: Centre for Cretan Literature, 2007. With the support of the prefecture of Heraklion. 20X29 cm. Pp.xxvi+358, ISBN 978-960-86847-5-1.